From verbal terrorism to parliamentary pugilism … (By Amadou Tidiane Wone)


The threats addressed to Karim Wade by personalities who are not judges, as to his arrest, if he only dares to set foot in Senegal, lend to smile.
Karim Wade was pardoned by the Head of State for the imprisonment sentence. Except disrespect to the Guardian of the Constitution, no one can, unless a new court order, direct him from the airport to Rebeuss. Because, the constraint by body evoked, urbi and orbi, obeys a procedure. It would be good if the real jurists enlighten us on the ways and means by which it is triggered. Its scope and its limits.
For the time being, and just using common sense, one may wonder whether the constraint by body does not apply especially to a case of refusal of payment. What happens if a bona fide offender seeks legal redress for deferred payment and payment over time? The goal is to recover, for the benefit of the Treasury, the sums he would greatly need these days! To do this, it is necessary, at least for the persons concerned, to go back and forth to collect the means to pay their debt.
It is also necessary to be able to obtain, and to honor freely, an appointment with the judicial officer of the State surrounded, if necessary, by public prosecutors and counsel for the convicted person to negotiate the terms and conditions of payment of a sum as large as that inflicted on Karim Wade: 138 billion! If they exist, they should not rest in badges or even bank accounts.
Because so far, evidence of the existence, in kind or in cash, of the sums awarded to Karim Wade has not yet been made. That I know of! Otherwise the State would have undermined all means to seize the corresponding property, at the height of its claims.

All this to deplore, once again, the conditions of the lawsuits against Karim Wade. CREI seems to have been tailored to neutralize it. At all costs. And he alone. Other potential customers of CREI have been forgotten or laundered. Otherwise held in respect … under the presidential elbow (!) Moreover, the most zealous to threaten Karim Wade are recruited in this fringe. This mud should we say … We understand them!

The Truth will eventually, one day or another, burst into the open. In the meantime, let no one make us believe that it is possible, in law, to drive Karim Wade from the airport to the prison even though international courts and several eminent jurists question the lawfulness of the proceedings brought against him, in the form. As in the background.
"Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum …"
Unless the Senegalese have resolved, definitely, that: "the reason of the strongest is always the best" as the fable of Jean de la Fontaine said … Until it declines. What is the fate of all strength.

In short, we will have to realize that "when the limits are crossed, there are no more limits!" And react before it is too late …

Because, milestones have been crossed. In this case, by some "honorable" parliamentarians who have disgraced by a display of physical strength in a hemicycle dedicated to the work of the spirit, the service of the Nation. We thought we had bottomed out with the Twelfth Parliament. Public opinion had deeply expressed the wish to see the National Assembly regain solemnity and prestige, its ability to propose laws and its power of control of the executive power. Las … The President of the Institution even receives sponsor campaign promoters in honor of a candidate, among others, even an outgoing President … The seat of his party or that of his coalition would have been more appropriate. M'enfin … "When the terminals are crossed …."

A strange atmosphere hovers over the country. An election campaign, in good and due form, is conducted by the outgoing President: inauguration of infrastructures immediately closed to public use. If not open episodically … "Economic" interested tours, over-investment in religious families and especially some of their representatives, launching of "projects" targeting youth and its interests particularly in the field of digital economy etc. . All this frenzy that our National Broadcasting forces us to follow several times a day. Until the overdose (?) Fortunately the media monopoly is no longer force. Independence on remote control! We have the freedom to zap. To escape. To pour us out through social networks to tell our story to those whose hyperactivity and triumphalist speeches reveal anguish. As a doubt that one tries to exorcise. And it is this frenzy that is the best barometer of the breach of trust that explains all the techniques and devices used to guarantee "a brilliant victory in the first round on the evening of February 24" to the outgoing President …

A balance sheet is not shown. He sees himself! He feels himself. If the majority of the country's citizens feel it and approve it, why worry?

Amadou Tidiane Wone

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