Jean-Loup River


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by Gilles Costaz

Death of a great theater analyst

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"The 70-year-old death of Jean-Louip Rivière struck the academic world and the theater world with amazement. He was still busy in recent times, participating in juries, commissions, publications, when a blistering cancer got the better of him. We do not count the responsibilities he had after a childhood in Caen and studies under the direction of Roland Barthes: producer at France-Culture, in charge of studies at the Center Pompidou, drama critic at Libération, secretary general of the Comédie -French (where he directed the Cahiers of the Comédie-Française), professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and at the Conservatoire, director of the "Le Spectateur Français" collection at the Imprimerie Nationale …

He also wrote theater. His pieces, Jpleated bear and The Scirocco Room, have been little played but are published in the Impressions nouvelles. He has also published a large number of translations (Italian, Hungarian). It is especially as an essayist that he has marked his time. Friend of Jacques Lassalle, he published remarkable Conversations about Don Juan and a number of books that passionately offered new insights into the mystery of theatrical creation: How is the night? Essay on the Love of the Theater, L'Arche, 2002; The World in details, 2015.

Character of a soft but reserved, severe in his teaching, he always set the bar very high, as we can perceive at each line of How is the night? "Theater is without a doubt the most ingenious human practice that presents an alternative to asylum and the Church. At the theater gather believers who will not be asked for their belief, or, more precisely, the theater addresses the beliefs of each by delivering each of his religion. Against madness, he socializes chimeras. Against religion, he releases the curtain of the community of one evening. Between radical loneliness and doctrinal agglutination, he maintains this fragile and paradoxical position of a loose community. It gives the idea of ​​freedom without savagery, of a society without militant dogmas … "

Photo DR.

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