Focus on these everyday heroes we admire


On the occasion of the release of the film Save or perishAt the cinema this Wednesday, November 28, we met Pierre Niney. He confided in this realization that he had while working on this film.

In this feature film, the actor embodies Franck, a young firefighter from Paris, who risks his life in a fire by saving his men. Result: Franck is burned in the face and sees his life switch overnight. We therefore contemplate the extent that these risky trades. The firefighters, in truth, are real heroes of everyday life. Without cloak or superpower, they are nevertheless part of values ​​and a true vocation for a job that not everyone can do: "Empathy is something essential to do this job. There is something we do not talk about often: beyond courage, it's the discretion that firefighters have. It's a very beautiful thing that goes against many of the values ​​that run in our individualistic society today. " he explains.

"To be in contact with the human distress, one must manage to cash it"

In the end, what Pierre Niney learned from seeing this film is that "everyone is a bit of a daily hero ". He explains : "the film highlights everyone, not just firefighters. There are doctors, nurses and all that surrounds these delicate professions. This awareness, it has broadened to risky trades in general because Pierre Niney also spent a lot of time in hospital services of burn victims and injured but also with doctors in rehabilitation centers: "When we do this kind of work, we really get into the intimacy of people. Firefighters go to their apartment ect. " Hazards of the profession that join, precisely, the duty of discretion on the part of these heroes. And even for the medical profession: "Discretion married to humility is what marks me the most in this type of occupation. The fact of not being intrusive and voyeuristic despite everything. "

These are jobs that require, above all, a lot of resources. Because if it requires empathy, are the means they are given to practice the profession really present? : "In addition to vocation, we must give them the means to be human in this kind of work. " adds Pierre Niney.

Indeed, if these people should be acclaimed, their work deserves to be respected on a daily basis. For this, we must give them the means to be real heroes of everyday life according to the actor: "The less time we give them, the less money we give them and vice versa, the less human resources we give them to help people. " To have a vocation is therefore a thing. But being able to put it into practice in order to help worthily the greatest number, it is all the more important. Yet these heroes are not let down. Far from the image of solemn and serious individuals in everyday life, Pierre Niney was particularly touched by the attitude of the people of the hospital that he met, despite the rigor of their profession: "In the end, they are people who work in services full of light and life. They told us 'We bring people back to life so we have to be optimistic in their eyes'. The nurses were often seen wearing ultra jovial despite the harshness of what they saw. They remained positive in front of everything. Every progress of their patients was a victory for them. It's bluffing! But to be in this perspective and attitude to the maximum, it's the same, they need time … And time is money. "

"These are not people who complain a lot"

But is money being used in the right way to improve the work environment? The question really arises. Pierre Niney has raised a news that, according to him, ultimately only moves the problem: "I heard recently that we were going to unlock I do not know how much money in surveillance cameras for waiting rooms because there are more and more assaults. Do not put this money in cameras but in staff. We have to keep the posts. "

Beside this, and despite the lack of recognition, sometimes, of the hardness of these trades, these heroes of the daily maintain the course. For the love of their job and the desire to help people in need, whatever the cost. In the end, this is the solution with the help of these very discreet people: "These are not people who complain a lot, so when they do, you really have to listen to them carefully. Because that means that their situation is already in the red. " he explains, looking back at the firefighters, who first arrived at the scene of the tragedy, taking the risk of being attacked.

The humility and discretion they have implies that we do not hear them much. But the hardness and dangerousness of their working conditions are therefore very real.

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