Freeze – Exile Abroad: Balla Gaye returns to its former form!


Balla Gaye 2 must have worked hard to regain the muscle he had lost in recent years. Framed by four coaches for the preparation of his fight against Modou Lo, the Guédiawaye Lion seems to be in full possession of his physical and mental strength.

Currently at the National Institute of Sport (INSEP), expertise and performance, the son of Double Less is already in a crazy job. He is supervised by 4 coaches: a Cameroonian, a Bulgarian, a Senegalese and a Frenchman. These are great experts in combat sports.

HONTE this National Assembly: still a fight row to between deputies of the majority and those of the opposition

Everything started from the publication of the list of speakers and the time allotted to each of them. Ndeye Lissa Cissé, chair of the meeting in question, was strongly contested by Sheikh Abdou Bara Dolli Mbacké, leader of the parliamentary opposition, who fiercely opposed early debates. There followed a pitched battle between the majority and the opposition.

This publication was last updated on November 26, 2018 14 h 45 min

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