" The critics ? It hurts "


Secret of deliberations
"I have been a magistrate for 42 years. I have never been alone in front of a journalist. Judges are bound by the secrecy of the deliberations. When I arrived at the Constitutional Council, there was not an embryo of communication device. We have been working for a few years to set up a website that we presented this morning. We decided to meet you (the media professionals). Believe me, it's not my intention to look for anything. I will not enter into certain considerations, because our only intention is to communicate with you (the media professionals), to agree on concepts, concepts and procedures. We purposely chose someone who is doubly independent because he is an academic (Pr Madieyna Diallo), even though he was a member of the Constitutional Council ".

The critics opposition

"There was never any question of influencing or guiding anyone. We, as members of the Constitutional Council, can not influence what you (the journalists) do. I am used to criticism. I have been making decisions for 42 years and being criticized. I nod. I accept. The critics ? It hurts, but I tell myself that it is the vicissitudes of the profession that I have chosen. It's like that. Whenever I decide, there are people who are happy. Others want me. But that's life. It is in this situation where we have lived for 42 years.

Reserve duty
"I'm being told about François Molins (famous prosecutor of the Paris court), I say that we are not prosecutors. There is no prosecutor in the Constitutional Council. We are judges and we are bound by the secrecy of the proceedings. (…) We read some comments. It's normal that people, citizens like us, can have views on the decisions we make. We have never seen a judge in the francophone area hold a press conference to justify his decision.The judge is justified by his motives . We do not have the same way of seeing things. Why does the Constitutional Council often declare itself incompetent? (The President of Constitutional Council stops dead, after a sign from the hand of one of his collaborators. Follow two seconds of white before the speech of the secretary general of Synpics)".

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