David Beckham: his last picture with his 7 year old daughter "so shocking" for the English


The education of his children or his behavior towards them does not always please his compatriots.

David Beckham may be a former star of football very respected in his country, some of his behavior displeases sometimes. It must be said that on social networks, some subscribers to the accounts of the biggest stars do not hesitate to criticize generously.

This is the case of David Beckham, who was the target of criticism after his burglary and after the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: a chewing gum in the mouth in St. George's Chapel, it was not the taste of all.

The latest scathing criticism is a photo of him and his 7 year old daughter, who just posted on Instagram. "What can I say about my little princess, other than she's just perfect at all levelsexplained his father on the occasion of his seven years. This marvel is adored by her brothers, her mother and her father … a little girl so special ?! ", he wrote.

This is not the legend but the comment that is problematic for some: we see him kiss Harper Harper on the mouth.

This shocks some, and they do not hesitate to report it in comment: "It's very weird. I find it inappropriate to kiss her child on the lips ", can one especially read. Or : "It's just abnormal, that's the English culture?? "

But this gesture of love from a father to his daughter does not shock another part of the English for whom the kiss on the mouth between parents and children is usual, as do the Americans.

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