Debt due to the higher institutes: The State proposes a schedule to private


Debt due to private educational institutions is being cleared. According to the Minister of Higher Education and Innovation, the conciliation meeting held last Thursday helped define a timetable. Mary Teuw Niane informs that the state is now listening to the institutions concerned.

Unsurprisingly, the question of students in private higher education schools came back to the National Assembly debates for the adoption of the budget of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Development. of innovation (Mesri). According to Professor Mary Teuw Niane, a meeting was held last Thursday between the teams of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning, those of Mesri and the Coordination of higher education institutions. A meeting during which proposals were made to private institutions. "In Mesri's 2018 budget, there are 8 billion registered for the private sector. This $ 8 billion should be spent throughout the year. The Ministry of Economy and Finance has committed to release them during the first semester in a planning that will be given to them. For 2019, the ministry also pledged to give $ 4 billion added to the $ 8 billion donated. To this, it must be added that the 3 billion being liquidated will be executed. At the moment, we have committed $ 2.2 billion to cover the debt for 2016-2017. What remains, we will start with the remaining 800 million to cover the debt of 2017-2018, "said the minister after the budget adoption debate. In total, from 2013 to 2018, 47 thousand 427 new graduates were referred to private higher education institutions for which the State pays 400 000 F for undergraduate students per year and per student and 600 000 francs for those selected at the Master. According to the minister, since 2014, the state has paid the sum of 31 billion 569 million 238 thousand 167 francs to private universities. But in recent days, hundreds of students have been excluded from their schools because of non-payment by the state of his slate. Asked about the issue of the generalization of scholarships that MPs consider irrelevant, the minister said that 66,216 scholarships and 14,543 grants in 2011, we increased to 98,221 fellows in 2018 and 27,749 recipients of aid.
In the end, the budget of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Mesri) was adopted by the National Assembly. It was stopped at the sum of 195 billion 287 million 174 thousand 705 francs against 191 billion 577 million 833 thousand 060 francs CFA an increase of 3 billion 709 million 341 thousand 645 francs in absolute value and 1.94% in relative value. Staff costs amounted to 535 million 390 thousand francs, up 10.02%, while operating expenses rose 4.14% to 3 billion 676 million 987 thousand 833 francs.

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