Haro on the plotters of the Republic


Like a map castle, the manipulation company orchestrated by the BBC, in collusion with part of the Senegalese opposition, suddenly collapsed.
The allegations in the English television report, "Senegal, a $ 10 billion scandal" did not last two weeks. The opponents of President Macky Sall, who thought they had the perfect opportunity to get their revenge after the debacle of the presidential election, quickly became disillusioned.
Since the prosecutor seized the case, caution is needed among those who have shouted on all roofs that Senegal has lost 6000 billion CFA francs (10 billion dollars) in the attribution, to Petro Tim, of the block Saint Louis Offshore Deep; the same asserted that President Macky Sall did not have to confirm the decree of approval in favor of Frank Timis; or that there was a conflict of interest because the presence of his brother, Aliou Sall, had motivated in his time, the decision of the Head of State.
But when the Prosecutor seized the case, everything was put into perspective. The assertions about the loss of revenue of the Senegalese state have turned into speculations on the sum of 146 million F CFA ($ 250,000) that Aliou Sall would have received through his company Agritrans. To slip, a few hours later, in the amalgam between a report "neglected" of the General Inspectorate of State (IGE) and a report of presentation of the Ministry of Mines, qualified as false by a former Prime Minister, who l had yet countersigned. Deceitful statements, aimed at confusing the Senegalese people with a business of managing our natural resources that is not really one.
The exit of the Public Prosecutor has, at least, the advantage of calming the ardor and restoring order. Serigne Bassirou GUEYE's call to witness made the most reckless thinkers think that with calumny and slander they could destabilize Senegal. It is now up to them to prove their allegations. But all know that their handling business was misled.

The false pretext of the BBC
The BBC inquiry is actually just a pretext. A simple alibi stirred by a gang of mafios anxious to defend personal crypto interests, colluding with politicians full of hate, to give the impression that Senegal is struck by the curse of oil. What nay!
The documentary of the English channel presents professional limits to succeed to wrap the opinion. He is tendentious and only dependent. It is a staging in which one tried to put a private affair on the back of the State of Senegal.
However, we could be satisfied with the answers provided by the CEO of BP Senegal who ensures that Frank Timis will not even have 1% of what Senegal could earn in these contracts.
Better still, how can we say that our country has lost 6000 billion FCFA in a transaction that concerns only private companies, and make it the title of an investigation? And yet, the shares of the State of Senegal on this issue, have remained intact.
This is the wish of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Macky SALL, who placed the protection of the interests of Senegalese at the heart of its governance.
Since the adoption in 2015 by referendum, new amendments in the constitution, the Senegalese people has a right of ownership over resources.
On the other hand, in order to develop national expertise and promote the employment of Senegalese in the oil and gas sector, the President of the Republic created the National Institute of Oil and Gas (INPG).
In order to anticipate the transparent management of natural resources, Senegal joined the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (ETI) in 2013, well before the discovery of gas and oil.
An organization whose Board of Directors has recognized Senegal as the first African country to have made satisfactory progress in the implementation of ITE standards.
Since September 2016, all mining and oil contracts are systematically published online, in addition to the creation of the Strategic Orientation Committee of Oil and Gas in which the Head of State intends to host the opposition and civil society .
But already, his Excellency the President of the Republic initiated public debates on sharing hydrocarbons in the presence of opposition parties and members of civil society.
More than all speeches, the achievements of President Macky Sall are quite edifying to stop any manipulation company.
Graduate of the Institute of Earth Sciences (IST) of Dakar and the National School of Petroleum and Engines (ENSPM) of the French Petroleum Institute (ISP), President Macky SALL is sufficiently informed on the issues related to natural resources. A geological engineer by training, he headed the data banking division of the Petroleum Corporation of Senegal (Petrosen), before being its Managing Director, from 2000 to 2001. President Macky SALL was Special Advisor to the President of the Republic in charge of Energy and Mines, then Minister of Mines, Energy and Hydraulics from 2002 to 2003.
So many expertise and experiences of a man of duty, put to use in the management of our Oil and Gas. This means that Senegal has nothing to envy to any African country in terms of transparency in the management of its natural resources.
In February 2019, the same radical opposition, interviewed in the BBC documentary, had tried in vain to make the oil question its rallying cry. It hurt him, snubbed by voters who did not even bother to offer him the least sponsors to run for the presidential election. Neither Abdou Mbaye nor Mamadou Lamine Diallo, let alone Thierno Alassane Sall could concoct the minimum of signatures necessary for their candidacy. At the same time, the book written by Ousmane Sonko remained anecdotal in the eyes of the people.
The Senegalese espoused the policy of President Macky SALL that they reelected in the first round with nearly 60%.
They can not engage in a new election campaign, less than four months after the Presidential election.
In the same way that they will not accept that Senegal is Libya or Iraq of dark forces ready for all the adventures to satisfy personal desires. And all Senegalese who carry the fight of these plotters is neither more nor less than an enemy of the people.

Policy Officer APR Grand Yoff`
Member of the Convergence des Cadres Républicains (CCR)

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