A cochet who is neither the president-politician nor the son of his father! (By Mody Niang)


Readers of my contribution of Wednesday, November 21, 2018 recall that I reviewed my first example of '' illustrative case of poor governance ''. I conclude with the contribution of this day. Earlier, I pointed out to some of my fellow citizens who are already loudly heard, that they are quick to work and have not read anything yet. They were quick to accuse me of hostility to the report of the United Nations Human Rights Committee. They are all wrong. I simply had to specify, in an interview to a site of the place, that the authors worked on documents, on a procedure. They surely do not know how the Wade led their governance for twelve long years. They can not, therefore, in any case conclude to the innocence of the son of his father, as we want to make us believe. Finally, I point out to my long-time defenders that I do not hate anyone, neither Wade, nor Wade, son. On the other hand, I hate in the most vigorous way mismanagement, the plundering of our meager resources by individuals who hide them in tax havens. For those who have not read my contribution of November 21, I recall that I have already sent my detractors eagerly to the words of the French writer Alfred de Vigny: " One must have neither love nor hatred for the men who govern. We owe them only the feelings we have for his coach: he drives well or he drives badly. That is all." I add these other words of his compatriot Voltaire: " Politics is the way for unprincipled men to lead men without memory. I refuse to be one of those men and will call back constantly, because the past illuminates the present and prepares the future.

So to return to our first "illustrative case of poor governance" among many others highlighted by the General State Inspectorate (IGE) in its "Public Report on the State of Governance and the Surrender of accounts "of June 2015, it was about the organized looting of our public funds, managed by the" Project of Construction of Administrative Buildings and Rehabilitation of Built Heritage of the State (PCRPE) ", in particular by the project '' Heart of Kaolack City '' ('' CVK '') that fell into oblivion. In their analysis of the packages, the auditors of the IGE note that the "Turnkey Project Ownership Contract" was only one subterfuge to circumvent the rules of public procurement ". The initial cost of the '' CVK '' Project was 12,497,100,000 CFA francs. However, the amount of credits transferred to the PRCPE as of 11 July 2006 was already 13 950 000 000, thus exceeding the original cost by more than 1 billion. The initial cost will go up even more, with an endorsement of 4,733,707,324, approved on February 22, 2008, for " additional work not justified ". That's not all: the poor taxpayer's money was still looted by an advance decree of 3,000,000,000 CFA francs, " planned for the development of public spaces to be the subject of a new call for tenders ", but who " was diverted from its original purpose and paid to the company under the original contract ".

The contract with Entreprise S. was finally terminated on February 18, 2011, without prior notice. He added, say the inspectors of the IGE, " an amicable termination agreement (which) set the rate of completion at 80% and deducted the remainder from the residual value of one billion seven hundred forty-eight million forty-three thousand two hundred and twenty-eight (1,748,043 228) CFA francs, whereas neutral expertise of the level of physical execution ". And our controllers recall another leniency, the one that " the control office was under contract with the Contractor contractor S. and not with the PCRPE (the master Material). " To get to the bottom of it all, IGE committed an expert who evaluated the work to " 6 161 594 047 CFA francs, instead of 17 230 707 324 CFA francs, market cost after endorsement ". The IGE then states that, Of this amount, fifteen billion three hundred and sixty-nine million six hundred and fifty-two thousand and ninety-six (15,369,652,196) CFA francs were actually paid ".

Of all these crimes, the IGE concludes that "The realization of the CVK Project has been characterized by extra-billing practices revealed by gross discrepancies between the estimated cost of the works and their cost of implementation, as well as between this cost and the regulations made for the benefit of the project manager. ". And the IGE to assess the cumulative damage caused to the Treasury at 9 208 058 149 CFA francs. Even after the termination of the Agreement with Enterprise S., the forfeitures continue. So, " a Construction, Operation, Transfer (CET) contract was concluded with the SDI Company, without competition ". Contract signed in November 2011 and whose purpose was the completion, operation and transfer to the State of the infrastructure CVK ".

The '' CVK '' will continue its adventure with its packages of packages, to become what it is today. In any case, two years before the contract with the CET, its fund provider, the PCRPE, was dissolved by decree n ° 2009-1253 of November 11, 2009. A Liquidation Commission will then be set up on December 29, 2009. PCRPE could not survive the breakdown of diplomatic relations between our country and Taiwan's China. Its budget was mainly funded by funds from cooperation with Taiwan. It now depended on the consolidated budget of the state whose limits were known at that time. The many punctures and budget cuts no longer allowed him to finance his many ongoing projects. Among these projects we can cite: the "CVK" naturally, the hutches of toddlers, tool houses, retention ponds, the City of Teachers of the Superior, the University of the Future African, the "Specials" Independence 2004-2005-2006-2007 and 2008 '', the central market of Touba, etc. The death of PCRPE thus left many unfinished projects. The newspaper then, '' The Gazette '', headline in one of its weekly editions: " Dissolution of the PCRPE: 1800 billion for unfinished projects "('' Xalima.com '' of February 22, 2010). One thousand eight hundred billion could be exaggerated. In any case, what can reasonably be held is that PCRPE has not usurped its reputation as a '' Billion Chasm ''. The forfeitures of the '' CVK '' can attest to this, as evidenced by the destination of a sum of which 'The Gazette' has been reported, ' sum transferred two days before the rupture of the diplomatic relations between Senegal and Taiwan, (but) that left no accounting record, according to the leaders of the PCRPE ". This is, without a doubt, the $ 15 million of Taiwanese funds originally earmarked for'To the realization of social projects', but that the old predatory president had no state of mind to divert with his three accomplices: his son, his sulfurous advisor Pierre Aim at the time and a certain Jerome Godard, who would have played a big role in the great difficulties that the Chemical Industries of Senegal (ICS) knew with the advent of the alternation of March 19th, 2000.

These crimes are obviously serious, very serious, perhaps comparable to high treason that is not yet defined. Yet they are only the visible part of the huge iceberg. In my next contribution, I will review a more serious crime, at least at least as serious. These crimes, and those ongoing before us, we must mobilize to rid our country definitively. It will surely not be with the cochet that drives our horse Senegal since April 2, 2012, nor with the other who is, in terms of management, the spitting portrait of his father.

Dakar, November 26, 2018

Mody Niang

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