A customs officer arrested for … • Rewmi.com


3 months of suspended sentence and 6,250,000 francs to be paid to the plaintiffs is the sentence pronounced against a Customs officer. He appeared yesterday at the bar of the court of flagrant offenses in Dakar for fraud involving 5 million.

Sentenced in the past to one month in prison for fraud, the customs officer has recidivated. He appeared yesterday at the bar of the court of flagrant offenses in Dakar for the same facts. With regard to the facts that are the subject of the prosecution, the mis en cause first recalled that he has been suffering from mental disorders for four years now. This forces him to commit sometimes acts of delict. On a question of what his modus operandi is, the customs officer declared: "I no longer remember the facts, sir. I did 12 years of service at the Customs, but for more than 4 years, I suffer from psychic disorders that push me to swindle people. I even sold my house to pay back my victims. Because there are others, "he revealed. Before continuing, "everything I do is beyond my control. Currently, I have a medical rest of one year. I had to ransack my own office. I had to disappear for 7 months. I was also interned at the Psychiatry of the Main Hospital. I even gave a proxy to my wife to get my salary back. When I received the money, I distributed it.

The defendant claims insanity

At the bar of the court of flagrant offenses in Dakar, he apologized to his colleagues to whom he continues to cause harm. "Despite the fact that I harm them, they always come to my aid," he said. Counsel for the plaintiffs, Me Mbengue, for its part, informed that the facts for which the mis en cause has appeared before the judge are constant. Because, says the black dress, it is following a deception that the defendant received the sums of money. Thus he claimed the sum of 6 million 250 thousand francs in damages. Invited to make his indictment in this case, the master of the prosecution returned to the delicate situation of mis en cause. "We have all noticed that he is an unbalanced person. But since we do not have a medical opinion, we can not dispense with a sanction. The crime of fraud is established. He had told his victims that the Customs was selling vehicles at auction. While the cars do not exist, "said the lawyer of the company who requested against him six months suspended. In rendering its decision, the court found the defendant guilty before sentencing him to a suspended three-month sentence. In addition to this penalty, he must pay to both civil parties the global sum of 6 million 250 thousand francs.

Sheikh Moussa SARR

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