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- Published: April 19, 2019
Morocco seems to be attracting global IT security experts as evidenced by the installation of the French group Orange Cyberdefense, which has just announced the establishment of a subsidiary in Casablanca.
Cybersecurity specialist, the French has announced the recruitment of fifty Moroccan specialists by next year, reports the magazine Jeune Afrique, according to which he put on the boom of the African market evaluated today to 1 , $ 33 billion and that should reach, next year, $ 2.3 billion. Enough to whet the appetite of large groups.
For the leaders of the group, quoted by Jeune Afrique, "it is an additional service that we propose to our customers in the Kingdom to allow them to start their digital transformation in all serenity", revealing their intention "to invest in the field of training with the Moroccan academic fabric to ensure the highest level of expertise. "
To better target this increasingly sought-after expertise, Orange Cyberdefense has since 2016 been grouping the cybersecurity activities of the telephone operator, mainly dedicated to businesses, administrations and, of course, local authorities. In all, the group generated 275 million euros in sales in 2017 and has 1,300 employees worldwide.
The announcement of this installation coincides precisely with the arrest by the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation (BCIJ) of 16 people in several Moroccan cities accused of having participated in misappropriation of funds from accounts based in international banking institutions , using malware.
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