a full remaster from spring 2019 on Netflix


Netflix continues to expand its catalog and fans of manga will have something to eat next year. The streaming platform will host several popular sagas including Neon Genesis Evangelion.

It is on his social networks that Netflix announced the news. All episodes will land in spring 2019 in a fully remastered version. The small trailer unveiled today offers some hair-raising extracts that will undoubtedly tickle the nostalgic fiber of a lot of spectators.

An anime loved by a large community

As a reminder, Neon Genesis Evangelion is an animated series of 26 episodes that was broadcast between 1995 and 1996 in Japan. Three films depicting an alternative version were then released from 2007 to 2013. A fourth is planned for 2020.

As for the synopsis, it is Shinji Ikari, a 14-year-old boy, who takes the place of hero. In the year 2000, an asteroid caused climatic catastrophes responsible for the devastation of a large part of the planet. Later, creatures called the Angels make their appearance and humanity uses a Mecha, the Evangelion, to repel them. In spite of himself, Shinji finds himself involved in this conflict, which is endangering life on Earth.

See you next spring on Netflix!

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