A Mackypulator for the defense of the living space of a foreign power … By Aly Nguer Faye *


It is necessary to enlighten the Senegalese on the man Robert or BOB BOURGI, his philosophy and his motivations

Robert Bourgi had as patron Foccart the Mr. France-Africa who manipulated the African heads of state for the good will from Paris. Moreover, he claims to be his rightful heir even calling him "my dean."

This Mr. BourgiI is adept of betrayal and beating, starting with his own family. His father Mahmoud BOURGI, Lebanese Muslim from Senegal, had christened HASSAN BOURGI, but he became a Frenchman and changed his name from birth to ROBERT BOURGI (BOB) as by chance the name of the famous ROBERT (Bob) DENARD, the the greatest French mercenary who managed to destabilize by arms, the independent African neo-states who refused to bow to the diktat of France.

Mr BOURGI was a close friend of Omar and Aly Bongo, of SASSOU NGESSO de BLAISE COMPAORE and LAURENT BAGBO, while not all his names constitute a respectable address book for a free and independent Africa.

In his own country of adoption, France, Mr BOURGI betrayed CHIRAC for SARKOZY, betrayed VILLEPIN for SARKOZY, betrayed SARKOZY for JUPPE, betrayed JUPPE for FILLON, finally betrayed FILLON for MACRON

So the person of BOURGI is too insignificant to deserve special attention from the Senegalese people lais.

Entering into the substance of his remarks Mr BOURGI is mistaken for measuring barometer, because it is not DONALD TRUMP or MACRON who must judge the actions of President Macky Sall, but it is the Senegalese, because at what we know, he had been elected to meet the needs of the Senegalese people and defend our interests everywhere or needs are but not have the satisfaction of trump or macron to the detriment of a Senegal without water, in front of the results of exams at the BAC catastrophic etc … ..

But such was not the case,

You excuse me for conjugating it in the past, because for us, it goes without saying that it will not even reach the second round in 2019 Macky Sall has betrayed the Senegalese people to the benefit of foreign interests.
You will excuse me also for conjugating him in the past, because to assimilate Macky Sall to Abdou Diouf as Mr. BOURGI does is to bring back the Senegalese has 40 years of postcolo and austerities, with the complicity of a socialist regime whose last bones are at the head of the National Assembly and the High Council of Local Authorities (HCCT) of Senegal, to influence the unpopular and bad decisions of the current regime

Finally what are the motivations of this interview, Mr BOURGI was committed urgently and in distress by MACRON with the blessing of Macky to destabilize our candidate President Idrissa SECK because, during the last National Day of France , IDRISSA SECK said clearly to France in the address he sent to Mr. Bigot Ambassadors that:
If Senegalese trust him: the Senegal – France relationship will now be a win-win

If the Senegalese trust him: the motto that you France (liberty-equality-fraternity) will become again a universal principle, the Senegal, will be FREE in its commitments, Senegal will deal with EGALE-A-EGALE with France and finally our relations will be of FRERES-A-FRERE, but no more operator exploited.

* Responsible Rewmi of jeunes Thiès-Est

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