A musician plays the guitar while having a brain operation (video)


A jazz musician with a brain tumor played guitar while on the operating table at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Durban.

Jazzman Musa Lanzini played several notes during the operation. According to one of the neurosurgeons, Dr. Rohen Harrichandparsad, his decision to play the guitar helped the surgeons in their delicate task.


Musa Lanzini was anesthetized locally by doctors during the procedure, also known as the awakening craniotomy. Dr. Harrichandparsad said, "It increased the safety margin for us, in that we were able to have a real-time feedback on what we were doing preoperatively. "

This incident is not uncommon. Several other cases of musicians playing music in similar operations have been recorded in other countries. The doctors revealed that they wanted to test "Lanzini's ability to play music" during surgery.

Lanzini only received the instrument towards the end of the operation, the doctors trying to check that everything was in order.

A photo and a video taken by the medical team show the musician lying with his guitar on the operating table.

As part of a waking craniotomy, some physicians choose to stimulate parts of the brain with light electrical power to test and map areas that control key brain functions, such as movement and motion. word. If a patient has difficulty speaking when power is applied to a particular area, doctors know they need to protect it during the removal of the tumor.

In 2015, a musician played saxophone during a brain operation in Spain, while an opera singer sang during a brain operation in the Netherlands in 2014.

Dr. Basil Enicker, another neurosurgeon who operated on Lanzini, said 90% of the tumor had been removed and the musician had returned home.

Photo credit: news98hindiahbh


South Africa: A musician plays the guitar with brain surgery (video)

Hello, Gaelle Kamdem is a copywriter at Afrikmag. Passionate about communication and languages, my motto is: "work, patience and honesty". I am a lover of travel, reading and sports.
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