a plan to reinvent customer relations


Engaging in a reorganization of its retail banking business, with 3,450 job cuts in business, the General Society is also stepping up its efforts in training its advisers. Objective: to make a difference with 100% digital banks

There are now almost three years, in September 2015, a taboo falls. For many years now, most major retail banks – faced with declining profitability, changing customer usages and the emergence of new competitors – are engaged in a process of reducing their branch networks. But the General Society becomes the first brand in France to publicly close the progressive closure of 400 outlets, 20% of its park.

Read also: Closures of bank branches: a taboo is it falling?

In total, 3450 jobs disappear, including 2500 in the period 2018-2020, recalls Laurent Goutard, director of the retail bank in France. We conduct this social plan responsibly, without forced departures. But we want to remain a bank that recruits and trains.

The red and black bank has just presented another part of its transformation strategy, baptized # MonJob2020. Behind this hashtag hides a device for increasing the number of employees, in which SocGen intends to invest 150 million euros by 2020, equivalent to one million hours of training, a doubling compared to the current effort

3/4 of employees will have changed jobs within 5 years

In a banking world reconfiguring under the effect of digital, the issue is complex for traditional brands: it is necessary to digitize, while being distinguished from 100% digital banks, displaying an added value that justifies the price paid by the customer. Being a digital bank but closer to the client is Stphane Dubois, director of human resources of the retail bank in France and promoter of # MonJob2020.

First mime-word: expertise. It is the DNA of our network continues Stphane Dubois. In order to enable its advisors to improve their skills, and better meet the partly new expectations of their customers, the SG has been expressing for two years a self-diagnosis system that allows employees, with the help of artificial intelligence, to autonomously balance sheet of skills. The tool answers the question: here I am today in relation to the job I want to make, says Stphane Dubois. Because, he continues, 3/4 of employees will have changed jobs within 5 years. Either because the job is called disappearing – especially the reception desks, which are still 1500 in the bank today – or because it is called to transform – the directors of the agency.

Industrialization of the training

All the collaborators have a place to take in the bank, reassures Stphane Dubois. With the condition to go up in competence, therefore. For this, the Company will industrialize the training, continues the HR. Each agency will be equipped with a dedicated tablet, allowing the employees to individualize their approach, depending on the skills acquired, in a continuous way. Agency directors are also trained to improve the conduct of collective meetings.

The adaptation of the Company's network will also go through a change in the management structure. We reduce the number of hierarchical levels, explains Laurent Goutard, the boss of the France network to achieve a flatter and more efficient organization. Will there be less managrial opporunities the SG? Yes, recognizes Laurent Goutard, but there will also be more opportunities on the job expertise

A decrease in turn-over

Another consequence of this managrial reorganization, the decrease in geographic mobility. Currently, a counselor had been interested in moving to another region to earn compensation through bonuses. Result: 5000 employees of the General Society, about 20000, change positions every year, with advisers who do not stay in post more than 3 years. This turn-over will be revised downward.

We will keep the advisors longer their positions, to give them time, precisely, to go up, announced Laurent Goutard. Mobility will no longer be the only means of ascension within the organization, so will the expertise. This is good news for customers, who generally live with the constant changes of counselors.

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