A successful semester for Maroc Telecom


 A successful semester for Maroc Telecom

60 million customers, a figure of 17.93 billion DH and a net flow of 4.23 billion DH

The half-yearly report of the telephone operator illustrates the relevance of this vision has consolidated Maroc Telecom's positioning, which now has a share of more than 60 million customers.

The investment policy implemented by Maroc Telecom continues to bear fruit. The half-yearly balance sheet of the telephone operator illustrates the relevance of the vision undertaken consolidating the positioning of Maroc Telecom, which currently has a share of more than 60 million customers. The balance sheet for the first six months is positive. The Morocco business has resumed in earnest, allowing the operator to return to growth in this segment. "Maroc Telecom confirms the return to the growth of its activities in Morocco. This positive trend is due to its investment policy and its efforts to differentiate itself by the excellence of its networks and services " explains in this sense Abdeslam Ahizoune, Chairman of the Executive Board of Maroc Telecom. And to emphasize that "associated with the sustained growth of its subsidiaries, it gives the Group the confidence to achieve the objectives of the year and allows it to raise its prospects accordingly" .

Financial aggregates to the green

In terms of financial indicators, the Group indicates that it has achieved a consolidated turnover of 5% over the first six months of the year. The latter amounts to 17.93 billion dirhams. This performance is driven by the sustained growth in revenue from activities in Morocco combined with that of international subsidiaries. In Morocco, the operator achieves a turnover of 10.56 billion dirhams improvement of 4.8%. This increase results from both mobile (3.5%) and fixed (4.8%) revenue growth. Internationally, turnover climbed 7.4% to 8.16 billion dirhams. A rate mainly driven by the new subsidiaries. Let us mention in this sense those of Côte d'Ivoire, Benin and Togo. The international activity was also marked by the return to growth of the activities in Mali and the rise of the use of Data and Mobile Money. Maroc Telecom is also pleased with the increase in its consolidated adjusted operating income. A performance of 4.8% was observed in this direction, an operating profit of 5.54 billion dirhams at the end of June. This increase came as a result of the 4% increase in operating income before amortization (4%) and the limited increase in depreciation expense. The operating margin improved slightly (0.1 point) to stand at 30.9%. Regarding the net profit, group share, Maroc Telecom shows an increase of 2.3% compared to that achieved in the same period of the previous year. This is explained by the sharp increase in net income from activities in Morocco. "The reported net profit of the group is up 8.6% at current exchange rate thanks to the growth in business and restructuring charges recorded in the first half of 2017" explains to this effect the Group .

Adjusted net operating cash flow declined in the first half of the year. In this respect, flows amounted to 4.23 billion dirhams, down 6.5%. Investments, for their part, rose by 3.2%. Regarding the consolidated net debt of the group, the operator notes in this sense an outstanding of 17 billion dirhams increase limited to 1% over one year.

Fixed parks and Internet constantly improving [19659008] In the first half of the year, Maroc Telecom has 1.8 million fixed lines. This park has consolidated by 6.5% compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase was also observed in the ADSL fleet, which in one year rose by 10.2%, or 1.4 million subscriptions at the end of June. For this purpose, revenues from the fixed and Internet businesses increased by 4.8%. Similarly, Data revenue was up 11.4%, offsetting the decline in voice. In parallel, the mobile park has continued to grow. In this regard, 18.9 million customers improved by 2.8%. This increase is driven by the 2.7% increase in the number of postpaid customers and 3.9% of prepaid customers. This park continued to contribute positively to the group's financial performance. "With the reduction of the impact of IP telephony liberalization in November 2016 and the strong growth of the Mobile Internet, Mobile revenue grew for the second consecutive quarter and showed a 3-fold increase, 5% on the whole of the first semester to reach 6 784 million dirhams " we learn from Maroc Telecom.

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