A track to 100 million euros for Real Madrid


Cristiano Ronaldo's Juventus left a void that Merengue leaders will try to fill in the attack, during this summer transfer window. But the Madrilenians do not seek to recruit that attack.

According to the information of Sky Sports, the European champions could also strengthen in the middle with Sergej Milinkovic-Savic . [19659003TheagentoftheplayerwhoisthesameagentofCristianoRonaldowouldindeedactivatetourgeRealtoput100millioneurosonthetabletoconvinceLazioRometoletgooftheSerbianinternational19659003] Sergej Milinkovic-Savic scored 12 goals in 35 Serie A games and 2 in 8 European League matches last season.

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