A well-known wrestler surprised with … with Astou


A well-known wrestler surprised by … named Astou

Pursued for criminal conspiracy, theft committed with violence and complicity, the wrestler Gora Niang was attracted yesterday at the helm by Astou Laye Mbaye. This lady was the victim of aggression by a band of 10 people in Cambérène. She was strangled and held in check by one of the attackers, while the others stripped her. Thus, they took away his wig, took his bag, before he stabbed his arm and disappeared. The next day, the victim complained to the Golf Commission. The elements of the Golf Police on patrol were informed of an assault that took place in Cambérène, specifically Guett Gui which happens to be the big place of the aggressors. Seydina Niang, Mandione Niang and some of their friends were arrested there. Astou Laye Mbaye did not have trouble recognizing his executioners. She easily recognized Gora Niang, to the police, as one of her attackers. The latter is none other than the big brother of Seydina and Mandione. Heard before the magistrate instructor, the implicated have camped in the denial. But it turned out that Gora's younger brother, Seydina, had the bag and makeup effects of the victim on his side. Interpellated on this bag, he claimed that it was Gora who gave him these products. The two Gora brothers were not allowed to take part.

According to the complainant, her attackers caused her a hand injury. And when they searched it, they took out of their pockets a cauri and also took the sum of 560,000 francs that was there. But seeing that she is related to the wrestler, the victim did not claim damages. For his part, the accused Gora Niang says he does not know the victim. According to him, the people arrested were not with him during the fight session (Mbapatte). Mandione and the others were arrested in Guett Gui. In addition, his brother Seydina Niang told the examining magistrate that the bag was given to him by Ameth and that he had to wait for Gora's return to share the spoils. And it is he who shared the loot and suggested to Seydina to offer makeup and wig to Ndèye Marie. At the helm, he changed his version. Hearing as a witness, Seydina argues, "I told the judge that it was Ameth who assaulted the victim, not my brother." The prosecutor Aly Ciré Ndiaye required 2 years in prison for the offense of theft committed with violence and 4 years for complicity, and a fine of 100,000 F. Considering that there is a doubt, the defense pleaded the release for the benefit doubt. Deliberated on July 19th. The As

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