Dakar, July 11 (APS) – The white year following the strike led by the students of the University of Dakar in 1968 is "inseparable" from the political evolution of Senegal, argued the committee chairman Organization of the fiftieth anniversary of May-68, Abdoulaye Makhtar Diop.
"Memories of this part of the history of the University of Dakar today University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD), this sequence '' of May 1968 "is not detachable from the history of Senegal's political evolution," he said.
He was speaking on the occasion of the round table organized by the commemoration committee of the fiftieth anniversary of May-68, a two-day meeting on the theme "What is the path for Senegal, Africa and Africa? world. "
According to Abdoulaye Makhtar Diop, this commemoration "is more part of a duty of memory than a duty of inventory with all that it entails as lots of accusations, blacklisting and culpability ".
To this end, the commemoration committee invited various personalities '' who yesterday were heroes of the strike slogans, barricade workers, picketers, and craftmen of Molotov cocktails '', [19659003]
There are also "budding tribunes, defying political and administrative authorities as well as the police" during these events, "deaf to the injunctions of the parents confronted for the first time with a revolt of students and students of such magnitude. "
Added" administrative, military and political authoritarians who also experienced these events in the exercise of their functions and missions at that time "
According to Abdoulaye Makhtar Diop, this commemoration exercise serves in particular to "complete the works" written on May 1968, like those of the teachers Abdoulaye Bathily and Oumar Guèye for example, not to mention it can contribute to the production of authentic documents.
"As you all know, each actor of a story, of an event in his way of writing according to his idiosyncrasy", has he indicated, emphasizing that the acts of this round table will be from this point of view "as many materials necessary in their diversity and testimonial veracity to the elaboration of authentic documents."
He also made a tribute to the leaders and leaders of the Democratic Union of Students of Senegal (UDES), which he said had "led the movement in a courageous and responsible manner."
Abdoulaye Makhtar Diop believes that these actors of May 68 deserve "all our congratulations", for having dedicated themselves to this movement which he regards as a "memorial and referential cause".
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