Abdoulaye Vilane lists the losses and asks the government to respect its commitments


The first rains that have been recorded in the country have done damage in some localities, especially in the municipality of Kaffrine where the friar Mr Abdoulaye Vilane has finished taking stock. "It is true that the first rain resulted in a series of violent winds and rotten pastures and deaths of animals such as sheep, cows, goats, horses, etc. After this first rain , the second rain that fell yesterday also caused significant material damage, first at school 9 where all the roofs of the classrooms flew away, in addition a caïlédrat fell to the level of the health district of Kaffrine, a wall of the health center fell and the low points that started to harbor water, and we are even told that trees that are over 60 years old threaten the safety of users, so I immediately decided to have them removed and replaced during the rainy season, "he says.

Mr Vilane to denounce the bad policies in the fight against the floods in Kaffrine. "Successive governments have often made promises or dusting events and often they have spent money poorly, and this has often benefited crooked businessmen, so the Kaffrine The victims have been raising their voices for a number of years, and in April they did so because Macky Sall was the prime minister so he will remember it because he knows this problem. "became president in 2012, he made commitments, called on the radio and made promises. In 2015, his government came to an inter-ministerial council in Kaffrine and he himself chaired a council of ministers in Kafrine City Hall. Promises had been made, unfortunately there was no follow-up. So, it must respect its promises. "

It should be noted that the first two rains that were recorded in the Saloum, have caused a lot of damage.The region of Kaffrine thus remains the locality most affected by this phenomenon …

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