Actor calls for endogenous funding of AIDS response


Dakar, July 12 (APS) – Professor Cheikh Tidiane Ndour, head of division at the Ministry of Health and Social Action, stressed on Thursday the need to find innovative ways to finance the response to AIDS through public-private partnerships and the mobilization of public resources.

'' It will be necessary to find ways to take care of AIDS patients and the response in general against HIV by means of domestic funding by building public-private partnerships in particular, while mobilizing public resources '' , he said in an interview with the APS

The development and implementation of innovative domestic financing mechanisms for the fight against AIDS are necessary to overcome the withdrawal of foreign partners, suggested Pr Diouf, invited by the APS. [19659002]

'' What is often forgotten in Africa is domestic financing, while 80 to 90% of the money from the response comes from foreign partners. This can not be sustainable, as the partners will gradually withdraw and the patients will always stay there, "he said.

For the head of the Division of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the Ministry of Health and Social Action, the development of innovative financing must be a reality concomitantly with the reduction of resources.

Senegal continues to receive funding from foreign partners in the fight against AIDS. For many stakeholders, maintaining the disease prevalence at a relatively low level (0.4% in 2016 according to the African Health Observatory) is linked to the effective financing of the HIV response. 19659002]

Senegal and the Global Fund, for example, signed financing agreements last January for an amount of CFA 42.5 billion for the period 2018-2020, of which more than US $ 14 billion is intended to finance the fight against AIDS in Senegal.

There are nearly 43,000 people living with HIV in Senegal. The percentage of people who do not know their HIV status is around 30%, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Action.

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