Advertising fraud: two cybercriminal networks dismantled


US authorities announce the dismantling of two international cybercrime networks and the indictment of eight people. Six of them are Russian nationals, while two others are from Kazakhstan.

dollarsFive of these individuals are in the wild, while three others have been arrested in Malaysia, Bulgaria and Estonia. They are accused of using sophisticated computer tools around the world for advertising fraud.

They would have amassed more than $ 36 million by defrauding companies who have paid for the placement of advertisements on websites. Except that the advertisements in question have never been seen by Internet users of the human race. Billions of consultations were simulated via servers and botnets.

Two separate fraudulent schemes are in question. Between September 2014 and December 2016, Methbot fooled advertisers and ad networks for more than $ 7 million through more than 1,900 servers hosted in commercial data centers. This server farm simulated web browsing through a fake browser, a fake mouse pointer on a web page, a so-called video playback and an apparent connection to Facebook.

Between December 2015 and October 2018, 3ve did not rely on a server farm but botnets of 1.7 million infected computers (and a command-and-control server infrastructure) to raise more than $ 29 million with the consultation simulation. Browsers hidden on these zombie machines from individuals and businesses have downloaded web pages manufactured to load advertisements.

The US-Cert publishes an alert about 3ve and exploited malware (Boaxxe / Miuref and Kovter) with traces of infection they leave behind.

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