AFD 34 billion fcfa for Senegal's energy competitiveness


APA-Dakar (Senegal)

The Senegalese Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning (MEFP), Amadou Bâ and the director of the French Development Agency (AFD) proceeded, Thursday in Dakar, to the signing of a convention of FCFA 34 billion for the implementation of the SMARTGRID program, APA learned.

"This convention, amounting to 52,000,000 euros, or about 34,000,000,000 CFA francs, is a vital contribution to the implementation of this important program in the energy sector, one of the foundations of the success of the Emerging Senegal Plan, "said Minister Amadou Bâ, stressing that" this program aims to improve our energy competitiveness and the living conditions of the population by securing the electricity supply. "

, SMARTGRID will "strengthen and modernize the transmission networks to take into account the new energy production capacity of the SENELEC (national electricity company) and reduce the losses inherent in the transport of energy", a- he continued.

SMARTGRID will also "increase the share of renewable energy in our energy production, in accordance with the guidelines of its E xcellence Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic, who made the energy mix a major axis of governance of the sector, "added Amadou Bâ.

Moreover, the MEFP sent its" warm congratulations "to the AFD celebrating 75 years of presence in Senegal, noting that this new financial support is a testament to "the excellence of secular relations and the fruitful cooperation between our country and the French Republic."

ODL / te / APA

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