African leaders launch new campaign for eradication


The "Zero Palu! I pledge "allows Africans to take a stand in the fight against this deadly disease

Malaria in Africa: African leaders launch a new campaign for eradication

Monday, July 2 marks the launch of Zero Palu! I am committed, a continent-wide campaign co-led by the African Union Commission and the Rollback Malaria Partnership (Rbm) to end malaria and supported by African leaders. Thanks to it, more people will be involved in the fight against the disease, which kills more than 400,000 Africans each year.

Following reports that malaria cases have increased for the first time in more than one year. decade, Zero Palu! I am committed to re-launching a general social movement to re-establish the efforts to reduce 60% of cases and save about 7 million lives since 2000, and to achieve the goal of eliminating malaria in Africa by 2030.

This campaign, unveiled by Senegalese President Macky Sall and King Mswati III of Eswatini last Sunday at the AIDS Watch Africa meeting, on the occasion of 31st African Union Summit, approved today by 55 African Heads of State and Government, reinforces community ownership of malaria prevention and care, as well as mobilization of additional resources for this effort

"In my country, malaria has long been a major public health problem threatening the socio-economic development and structural transformation trajectory that i firmly placed our country on the path of sustainable development. It is through national ownership, shared responsibility and global solidarity that we will be able to defeat malaria for good, "said Macky Sall.

For President Paul Kagame of Rwanda African Union, "the African continent bears over 90% of the global burden of malaria. It is in this context that we launched the "Zero Palu! I commit myself ", a continent-wide campaign for a malaria-free Africa. The campaign will revive popular movements in which individuals, families, communities, religious leaders, the private sector, political leaders and other members of society promise to engage in the fight against malaria. "[19659004] Inspired by the national campaign of the same name launched in Senegal in 2014, Zero Palu! I pledge is now deployed across the African continent to encourage all citizens – political leaders, corporate, community and religious leaders as well individuals, families, and communities – to make a personal commitment to ending malaria with success.

To date, more than 20 African countries have pledged support for the campaign. Uganda, Zambia and Mozambique are already launching large-scale national mosquito net distribution campaigns and aim to establish national fight against high-level malaria and parliamentary groups for the fight against malaria. Others, including the First Ladies of Ghana and Niger, pledged to make greater efforts to encourage leaders and communities to fight malaria in their countries.

According to King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Eswatini, President of the Alliance of African Leaders Against Malaria, "this campaign further reinforces our commitment to eliminating malaria in Africa as we now call on the entire population, at all levels, to working with us to free our continent from this scourge, I urge all governments to invest more in the fight against this disease, but the success of this campaign will depend on partnerships and collaboration between sectors and among our population, because as a government, we can not win this fight against malaria alone. "

The Chief Executive Officer of Parteariat Rbm, the biggest threat to the fight against malaria is inaction and complacency. "We can be the generation that will put an end to this debilitating disease.The Zero Palu Campaign! I am committed to creating a victorious coalition for the eradication of malaria in all countries, bringing together partners from all sectors. Palu! Depends on me, you and everyone, "he says.

Kamagaté Issouf

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Source: Rmb Partnership

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