after the coronation of the Blues, France jubilant



"We're the Champions!" In a clamor Dantesque and tears of joy, France resonated Sunday evening of intense happiness supporters of the Blues. Twenty years after the first star of the French team, the men of Didier Deschamps won a second world title against Croatia (4-2)!

Information to remember:

  • The France team is world champion after her victory against Croatia (4-2)

  • Throughout France, scenes of jubilation have erupted since the final whistle

  • Scuffles erupted in Paris and Lyon notably

The Champs-Élysées blacks of world "Champions, Champions of the world!", Chanted the crowded crowd of 90,000 supporters gathered in the "fan zone" of Paris Champ-de-Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, at the end of the match. Fans of the Blues then converged on the Champs-Elysees, quickly crowded. Against the background of the sound of firecrackers and foghorn, the party continued until incidents eventually make the crowd leave.

The images were reminiscent of a certain July 12, 1998, when more than a million and a half people had swept on the famous Parisian avenue to celebrate the first coronation of the Blues, at the time against Brazil (3-0). Some supporters were then until the early morning, and 500,000 people came to cheer the Blues the next day … Monday, the team of France parade under the same conditions at 17 hours.

At the Stade de France and Carillon. In Paris, many supporters have also chosen to symbolically celebrate the victory at Carillon, one of the bars targeted by the attacks of 13-November 2015.

In concert at the Stade de France with Beyoncé, Jay-Z appeared on stage wearing a France team jersey hit by two stars, adding to the euphoria of the public. A few songs later, it was his wife's turn to wear a blue jersey, with a denim mini-shorts.

Squares and fountains stormed. The joy of the French also exploded in all the cities of France, where fans of the Blues had met with friends or family to watch the game. In Nantes, Toulouse, Lyon or Marseille, most of the squares and fountains were stormed, as our reporters and special envoys on the spot found.

From Marseille and Arras … On the Old Port of Marseille, many have made the road from the Tarn or Gard to celebrate the second star of the Blues. "They wet the jersey, we too will wet!", Exclaimed one of them at the microphone of our special envoy, promising to go for a swim to celebrate the victory. In Arras, another of our journalists met a group of young supporters ready to dance until the end of the night: "We are all very happy, waiting for the next four years, we are going to party every day".

… in Strasbourg and Lyon . In Strasbourg, cars crossed the city center with a lot of horns, a French flag stretched out by a window. "We are Champions! Bravo the Blues", could we hear. The onlookers, smiling, applauded. Same scenes in Lyon, where the subway trains pitched with the dances of the supporters.

Some incidents In Lyon, the party was peppered with incidents, after a group of supporters mounted on an anti-intrusion truck. The police charged, wiping throws of projectiles and firing teargas grenades.


In Paris, thugs looted the Drugstore Publicis on the sidelines of the party gathering hundreds of thousands of people. A man was seriously injured after receiving a violent blow of helmet during a fight occurred at 9:10 pm near the Champs-Elysees. The man was hospitalized in a serious condition, according to a police source.

Bottle jets and clashes were also reported in Rouen in the early evening. In Marseille, "there were many projectiles, two members of the police were wounded, and 10 people arrested," according to the police, before a return to calm. In Ajaccio, some clashes erupted between supporters of the French team who were celebrating the victory, and people claiming to support Croatia.

The evening was also peppered with a few accidents in Lorraine, the Oise and Annecy .

The French from abroad too Vacationers or expats, the French also celebrated the coronation abroad, sometimes with a few hours of jet lag … In Barcelona, ​​this was happening in restaurants and bars. But in other countries like the United States, the final whistle sounded before noon, in a necessarily special atmosphere.

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