Ahmet Amar weighs 1000 billion • Rewmi.com


The businessman Ahmet Amar was brought to the head of the Regroupement des industriels du Senegal. The entity concentrates about thirty companies including his own, of course, NMA Sanders, Css, Soboa, GMD, Kirene, CoPewol and the three cement factories operating in Senegal, Dangote, Cementies du Sahel and Sococim.

We want the quality and we will then go to the number, warns Ahmet Amar in the columns of Liberation, which gives the information. It's companies that make 70, 100 billion turnover. Around the table, we will make at least 1000 billion. It's a heavy thing. "

To be a member of the group, you have to be a company with at least $ 5 billion in sales. Initially, it was necessary to weigh the double to integrate the entity. But, says Ahmet Amar, the amount initially retained was halved to reach the maximum of industrialists.

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