Aigle Azur puts Algeria in the spotlight this summer


Aigle Azur puts Algeria in the spotlight this summer

The airline Aigle Azur takes advantage of the start of the school holidays to strengthen its service to Algeria from France by selling thousands of additional seats

For any online booking on the Aigle Azur website between July 5 and 9, 2018, the French company offers service fees . This web exclusivity is good news for customers who will find many more seats available during the summer period, one of the most popular times of the year.

On the summer peak of August and the start of the new school year September, it is more than 10,000 additional seats which will then be put on sale exclusively during this period.

Through this special operation, the company confirms again its " desire to favor its historic markets and its faithful passengers who travel on the Aigle Azur lines between France and Algeria for many years ". In addition, the company's management has chosen to operate many flights between the two countries with its latest aircraft Airbus A330-200, just back in the fleet.

Created in 1946, Aigle Azur is the second largest French airline with a rich history of more than 70 years. It carries nearly 2 million passengers every year on nearly 300 scheduled flights per week, with an Airbus fleet of A319s, A320s and most recently A330s. For seven decades, Aigle Azur has continued to connect people, continents and cultures, faithful to its values ​​of welcome, sharing and conviviality. From 6 French cities, the company serves Algeria, Portugal, Mali, Senegal, Lebanon (Beirut), Germany (Berlin), Russia (Moscow) and soon Sao Paulo in Brazil, Beijing in China and Milan in Italy.

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