AJAS assigns 2 ex-officio lawyers to his family and creates a toll-free number


Following the moving testimonies brought by the family of the late Saliou Sarr on his altercation with the police, it is around the young lawyers to climb the niche. In a press conference this afternoon, the Association of Young Lawyers of Senegal condemned with the utmost energy these acts of barbarity that led to the death of the young man in the premises of the police station of Thiaroye. For the president of AJAS, cases of torture are common in places of detention. As such, AJAS has committed two lawyers ex-officio to the family of the victim to facilitate all proceedings and actions in progress but also to come. In the same vein, these young lawyers will post a toll-free number so that the populations can denounce the cases of torture identified in places of deprivation of liberty.

Still referring to the Saliou Sarr case, Mr. Ousmane Thiam calls the prosecutor of the Republic in the forefront as the prosecutor, so that light is shed on this case and that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

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