Aliou Cisse defends Sadio Mané


In the July-August issue of the magazine Intelligences the national coach, Aliou Cissé, taking stock of the participation of Senegal in the World Cup, defends Sadio Mané whose benefits in Russia are questionable. Praying the player's commitment to the group.

" Sadio Mané, as well as his teammates, gave the best of himself, he went to the service of the collective, and that's what I ask every player in the Den Crop Cissé whose team was eliminated in the first round for getting more cards (6-4) than Japan. What is important for him and for me is that the team go forward and get good results Individual performance can fluctuate with many parameters "

Among these parameters is fatigue. Who, to hear the national coach, would have weighed on the radiation of Sadio Mané. " It has not escaped anyone that he played this year a significant number of matches recalls the technician. He comes out of a Champions League final. above average. "

" Nevertheless hastens to add Aliou Cissé, he was a formidable threat for our opponents, who had to deploy devices to try to neutralize it, allowing other players to express themselves better.This is also a great player.Be able to attract attention in the interest of the collective. "[19659002] However, the coach of the "Lion" places Sadio Mané on the same footing as Neymar, Ronaldo or Messi. He says: " It belongs to this dimension of unpredictable players and capable of making differences at any time, by gestures of genius. "

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