Alioune Badara Cissé – "Let no one tell me Auchan Dégage …"


The mediator of the Republic, Alioune Badara Cissé, is invited to the controversy on Auchan. Unlike others, Abc promotes the national preference to the detriment of the foreign one. And invites the Senegalese population to take care of it.

"In our consumption habits, we must direct our purchases towards the national preference, to our most appropriate stores and shops in our country. The traders are organizing themselves around an Auchan Dégage slogan, but the problem is not Auchan, the fight is not to make this chain of distribution leave but rather to review our preferences in our habits. consumption. Do not come and tell me Auchan Dégage, suggested Alioune Badara Cissé, questioned on the question, to Fatick.

"If I have to buy a kilogram of rice, I buy it from my parent (…) as it is done in other countries " he says. Regretting the fact that Senegalese consumers tend to prefer foreign products to locals by "complex".

To fight against the foreign invasion, the domination of the local market by foreign multinationals, he advocates that the national private sector leads the fight to occupy all spaces related to the business environment

"We must occupy these spaces by ourselves, so that we are everywhere, that we can have ramifications to meet the demand for foodstuffs and various products of the populations in all the places of the national territory " ends up saying.

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