Altice bounces when his DG positively considers this possibility


The stock market priceAltice was heckled last week after the announcement of the quarterly results of operator SFR. While recruiting new clients is encouraging, they are also the result of ongoing promotions that have significantly reduced the average revenue per subscriber, reducing turnover.

SFR-logoAt the same time, the question of a back to three operators the operators, whose negotiations were blocked by the period of reallocation of mobile frequencies, is once again starting to tickle.

Released from this obligation, signals point to a resumption of negotiations early next year. One of the big questions is who will go on sale.

Bouygues Telecom, by its smaller size, has long been an ideal target but the latter is doing rather well after its reorganization, it may be finally SFR which could be reconciled.

Still Patrick Drahi must agree to give in or at least give up the ballast on what is the biggest piece of Altice Europe. However, recent statements by Altice CEO Alain Weill suggest that the question of telecom consolidation is not taboo and could even be resolved quickly enough.

It was enough to give investors hope and boost the share price on the Altice Stock Exchange, but also of Free, battered recently by the mixed quarterly results and the lack of ads on a new Internet box. generation.

In the current state of the telecom market, Free Mobile is indeed the other potential target of a possible telecom consolidation in France in the short term.

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