Amadou Tidiane Wone: "An advertising campaign like no other …. "


Amadou Tidiane Wone, former Minister of Culture returns to the Ong Dkt "philanthropist" Phil Harvey in Senegal with revelations of sizes. Here is, in extenso, the content of the message:

"For some time now, an all-out advertising campaign has been touting the tastes and fragrances, exotic at will, of a brand of … condoms (!) Called Kiss …. previous ones which were part of the fight against AIDS by putting forward the idea of ​​protection, this one is a call pure and simple to lust and the "max of sensations" ….
I I opened a lively debate on this subject on my Facebook page. This social network is, indeed, the new agora where the points of view meet and confront each other. Without geographical barriers or time constraints. In all serenity, albeit with vigor!
I wish to expand here this debate of society which questions us and questions us. Preliminary question: who attacks with so much casualness to the moral codes of our society and for what ends?
The poster being signed, I became interested in the American NGO, mother of the subsidiary under Senegalese law, in charge of the campaign in question. This is Dkt International whose founder in 1989 Phyl Harvey, defines himself as "a libertarian …" Its organization called "non-profit" operates in West Africa under the guise of a company … commercial (!) who sells his products and services. Eh yes! The NGO Dkt International, non-profit, still has revenues of more than 230 million US dollars! How curious!
But what concerns me here is the stated purpose of Dkt International: "the introduction of family planning in developing countries". Under the guise of "HIV prevention". In other words: birth control in developing countries! What is involved?
On the website of Dkt International's regional office it says:
"Through innovative social marketing programs and targeted communication with traditional and non-traditional media ( social networks, ambassadors, sponsorships) Lydia TM intends to build a privileged and uninhibited relationship on the often delicate subject of contraception. In fact, in a nutshell, Dkt International's only goal is to control births in developing countries in the sense of diminishing them. But also and above all (?) To make a lot of money!
Closely interested in the founder of Dkt International, I find that he defines himself as "libertarian and philanthropist". According to Petit Larousse, "libertarian term refers to people, currents, movements, structures, organizations, etc. who advocate an absolute freedom based on the negation of the principle of authority in the social organization and the refusal of any constraint arising from institutions based on this principle. "
As for the" philanthropy "of Mr. Phyl Harvey, she still brings in more than two hundred and thirty million dollars …
What is embarrassing is that all this information is available on the internet. Just search. Are there morality investigations prior to licensure in such sensitive areas as birth control in our country? How can we let these types of characters intervene in our countries with a guru's approach using the most advanced techniques of social marketing?
In truth, our ruling elites seem, little or not worrying about the dangers facing our nations. Under the guise of fighting AIDS, which kills far less than malaria, our successive governments have embarked on programs whose real issues are unacknowledged. We seem to be interested only in the immediate and derisory fallout of the various programs and projects without analyzing, in depth, the underside of the maps. In this case, rich countries do everything to reduce the populations of poor countries. Through war as needed, malnutrition, famine and family planning programs. Cynically! In India, China and Africa, policies designed in now identifiable pharmacies continue to decimate the poor for the happiness and security of the rich. The poster that has aroused my indignation, and that of many Senegalese and Senegalese, gave me the opportunity to deepen the research on the shameful designs of the real promoters of the project "libertarian" which has an unprecedented scale.
Mr. Phyl Harvey, prolific author of several books on sexuality, has developed and implements a commercial approach to the humanitarian business. Look for the mistake!
He has developed very sophisticated social marketing techniques. In a September 2016 paper titled "How Can Profits Improve Their Results with Commercial Techniques," Mr. Harvey explains how to make money in poor countries under the guise of humanitarian aid.
We should look at closer behind the scenes of the NGOs that are proliferating in our country and which are often armed with fascist ideologies whose only objective is to control the poor countries and worse, to keep them in poverty! While we allow ourselves to be distracted by an unrestrained competition for power and its derivatives, in far-off countries high-flying strategies plan the control of our mineral resources, natural and … human. For the sole purpose of keeping the rich country equation to the north, poor countries in the South.

Let's go rekk! as young people taught me! We can not hide anything anymore.

Amadou Tidiane WONE
[email protected]

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