Amazon set new records


The 2018 edition of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday again set the record for Amazon, which, despite a strike, recorded its best time of the year, but also its history.


Last July, Amazon announced that it had achieved its biggest annual day with more than 100 million products sold as part of its Prime Day. But this record has just fallen.

Cyber ​​Monday this year has become the most profitable day for Amazon, both of the year, but also of its history. The brand does not communicate more on this specific day, but evokes more than 180 million items sold on the 5 days of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday.

Over the period, the four best-selling items in the world were the Echo Dot Connected Speaker, Michelle Obama's "Becoming" book, the Alexa Smart Plug Connected Plug, and the L.O.L. Amazon Marketplace partners were able to record an average increase in sales of more than 20% during these 5 days.

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