An American walks 32 km to work, his boss offers him a car


He did not want to be away for his first day of work. On the night of last Friday to Saturday, Walter Carr, a 20-year-old American, embarked on a 32 km walk to be on time to take his service in the moving company that had just '

Without a penny in his pocket after paying his rent, this former cross-country runner left home shortly before midnight in the state of Alabama for lack of public transportation or power.

He arrived on time to hire, helped in particular by police officers surprised to find him on the side of the road, early in the morning. Shared on Facebook by the couple of customers Walter Carr was visiting for his first move, the story has since become viral on social networks.

His determination was rewarded as his new boss gave him the keys to his own car, a Ford Escape.

"All the efforts you make end up paying someday," said the young man in a video released by the local police. A prize pool launched online to help him financially has already raised more than 66 000 $, about 57 000 €. According to the WBRC channel, he decided to donate a large part of it to a local foundation working for education

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