An appeal trial almost at a standstill


The reopening of Khalifa Sall's appeal trial and his co-defendants was also marked by new verbal arguments. And, the record's fund was again eclipsed by procedural issues.

Sufficient for Mr. Babacar Cissé to accuse the defense lawyers of not wanting to "continue this trial" and "to multiply the requests for referral".
Mr. Ciré Clédor Ly's petition, he says, betrays a desire to delay the trial on appeal for a few days. While waiting to obtain the decision of the Court of Justice of ECOWAS, which is favorable to the Mayor of Dakar, the advice of Khalifa Sall have requested the referral.

The defense seeks to delay the trial to use as long as possible the effects of the ECOWAS decision, possibly to its advantage. The civil party, it is particularly important that a decision is made by the Court of Appeal of Dakar, so that the case of the advance cash, which it is a stakeholder, is finally judged.

For his part, the judge promised to examine carefully all the requests for referral and attempt as objectively as possible to sort out those which are justified by indisputable and serious arguments and the manifestly dilatory requests.

Khalifa Sall's appeal trial, which began in early June, continues to be suspended or postponed for hearing disorder. The hearing will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, July 10, announced the President of the Court, Demba Kandji …

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