ANSD sets up a new base year of national accounts


Dakar, July 12 (APS) – Senegal, in the framework of the National Accounts Renovation Project (PRCN), has a new base year 2014 that replaces that of 1999, announces the Agency Department of Statistics and Demography (ANSD).

This new base year is established in accordance with the latest handbook on national accounts adopted by the United Nations (SNA 2008), provides the ANSD in a statement transmitted Thursday at the APS

The Agency reports that the National Accounts Change of National Accounts Change Project was instituted in 2015 by the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Planning.

It states that the main changes introduced in the new national accounts database concern "the use of new sources of information, the taking into account of certain novelties of the 2008 SNA and the adoption of a new classification of activities and products ".

On the basis of the change made, Senegal's GDP "stood at 9,775 billion CFA francs, up 29.4%, compared to its 2014 level evaluated according to the former 1999 base".

The ANSD explains that this increase results from an improvement in the coverage of economic activity as well as a better consideration of activities such as mining exploration, inland fisheries and aquaculture. , rural hydraulics, among others.

In addition, "a rise in foreign trade". Similarly, with regard to final consumption and investment, the new evaluation puts Senegal at a rate of 21.5% and 18.9%, respectively, compared to the 99 base, according to the ANSD.

In terms of sectoral structure, she points out that the tertiary sector's weight "increased from 52.7% to 54.0%, compared to the results of the national accounts for base-year 2014".

Thus, the increase in GDP improved Senegal's ranking on the WAEMU convergence criteria, the West African Economic and Monetary Union, concerning the budget deficit set at 3% of GDP.

On the other hand, it degrades its performance according to the indicator on the tax burden, note the statisticians.

They recall that the national accounts "constitute an essential component of the national statistical information system.They provide a synthetic and coherent description of the economy from a base year, which constitutes in general, the reference year of macroeconomic aggregates ".

"However, as the base year gets older, the quality of the accounts deteriorates, so it becomes imperative to renew the quality of the accounts in order to better understand the changes affecting the structures of the economy", add -they.

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