APS: a strike notice filed by the SYNPICS section


Dakar, July 26 (APS) – The SYNPICS section of the APS announces that it has filed a strike notice on July 24 to demand "urgent measures" that would save the company whose present management it deplores.

In a statement issued Thursday following the general assembly held the day before, the union section, on behalf of workers, denounces "the mode of management that jeopardizes day by day the first public information agency. Francophone Africa, today in agony "

" The situation of the APS is today characterized by cut off telephone lines, a recurrent Internet problem, a lack of medical care for workers with the suspension of budgetary imputations, a debt to third parties which is increasing day by day … ", argues the union.

" On the financial and accounting side, the lack of resources puts staff in the challenge of collecting r their salary in the very near future, "notes the SYNPICS section of the APS, accusing the director general of doing" in the strategy of decay. "

The SYNPICS section of the APS criticizes for example the breach of contracts In the process of some staff, a decision that puts on leave forced 44 employees, regional correspondents, service providers and trainees.

Forty-four fathers and mothers "are found overnight" on the tiles, a stone's throw away Tabaski, the great Muslim festival that will be celebrated in the last week of August

Worse, deplores the union, "none of the commitments made by the director on January 18 during a conciliation session to the Directorate of Labor and Social Security (DTSS) has been subject to any progress. "

Speaking of the directive on the restructuring process initiated in recent months under the leadership of the President of the Republic, the SYNPICS section of the APS believes that "only the Directorate of the parapublic sector of the Ministry of Finance is working, through an interministerial subcommittee, to implement this directive." [19659002TheDirectorGeneraloftheAPSThiernoBirahimFallinvitedtoreactcalledthestafftomobilizearoundtheprocessofrestructuring"themotherofthebattles"hesaid

"J ' Calls on all staff to mobilize around this objective, which, once achieved, will make it possible to solve all the problems listed in the trade union platform.

With the General Directorate of the Treasury, "we are finalizing the restructuring plan and the institutional change "which will move the APS from an industrial and commercial public institution to a national company," he said.

This perspective should to "settle all the problems, all the evils", all the more so as it will be worth to the APS "consequent resources" for its good functioning.

"As general manager, if I succeed this bet, I would have largely succeeded my mission at the head of the APS ", continued Mr. Fall, before concluding:" I think we must preserve these achievements and move towards this goal ". 19659013] / * [ad_2]
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