"As long as I'm here …"


After the Interior Minister's withdrawal from the approval of the NGO Enda Lead Afrique Francophone, suspected of funding the movement "Yen a fed up", Aly Ngouille Ndiaye spoke on Tuesday on the subject in front of the deputies to The national assembly. According to the minister, in 2011, the "Y'en a mre" movement did not even have the status of an association. It was June 10, 2013 that he obtained the status.
"Like all associations, the movement should live fundraising through membership fees and not external funding, according to the law." As long as I'm there, we will put order, "clarified the one that Liberal MP Woré Sarr calls "Jack Bauer of Senegal", in reference to the opposition demonstrations he prevented in Dakar, and the minister revealed that there are more than 19,000 associations in Senegal, more than 500 NGOs and 301 political parties and of the 500 NGOs, only 123 are in legality, he laments.

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