He had already squirted Laeticia Hallyday in his new show! Patrick Sébastien add a layer this week by taclting the will left by Johnny Hallyday and the war for the legacy of the singer raging between Laeticia Hallyday, Laura Smet and David Hallyday ! In a long interview given to our colleagues from Gala, the host landed by the direction of France 2, is as rarely. He announces that he already has "everything organized"concerning his estate and that at home"there will be no problemPatrick Sebastien announces that his "four children will inherit equally" because "I love them all with the same strength"An" atypical "family of which he speaks for the first time in the magazine,"My little girl Marie, the daughter of my son who killed himself on a motorcycle and whom I consider my daughter, my little Lilybut I also have two sons Olivier, mountebank like me and Benjamin, an engineer ".
⋙ Patrick Sébastien: ten years after the adoption of his daughter Lily, he reveals (finally) his face (PHOTO)
"At home, there will be no inheritance problem. I have already organized everything. In my will, I even planned that my house in Martel, this haven of peace, will return to Nana (his wife, Ed) and Lily. She will be the last to have this house that I bought forty years ago. Because she grew up there, because she was built in Martel, she loves this place even more than we"He explains, then he puts his foot in the dish:"What binds a family is love. Not the blood we have in common. I know what I mean. Lily (his adopted daughter, Ed) and I have one thing in common: we do not know our father. But I do not want to talk about it anymore …"
⋙ Patrick Sébastien curry Laeticia Hallyday in his new show
Patrick Sébastien again evokes the war around the legacy of Johnny Hallyday in this interview river when he mentions his dismissal from France 2: "My dismissal is violent, but I relativize and remain dignified despite everything. I want to show my kids that even in the face of an injustice, you have to stay benevolent. This is the most beautiful legacy I can leave them. At least they will not fight in court for that one"The message is gone.
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