At the end of "Game of Thrones", will Daenerys be a "Mad Queen"?


GAME OF THRONES – Since her marriage to Khal Drogo, the birth of her three dragons, the death of her brother, Daenerys has become, in "Game of Thrones", "Broker of Chains" and, mainly, the most serious pretender to the Throne of iron.

But since the start of season 8, everything she's been fighting for seems to be crumbling like a house of cards. Episode 4, in particular, has been trying for the Mother of the Dragon, so much so that one wonders if she will hold on and if so, how.


This article contains spoilers on episode 4 of season 8 of GoT

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So let's go.

The end of episode 4 ends with the assassination of Missandei ordered by Cersei, under the eyes of Daenerys, Tyrion and Green-Gray, among others. Moments earlier and impromptu, the pretender to the throne witnessed the collapse of one of her last two dragons, rolled by the giant arrows of Euron Greyjoy's fleet. In the same episode, Daenerys had to say goodbye to his most faithful support, Jorah, who died during the great battle against the White Marchers by defending her.

"Do not become what you have always fought"

Daenerys' father was nicknamed the "mad king". At the end of this episode, it seems legitimate to wonder if the girl will look like the father. If Daenerys will also become "crazy" and shave everything in its path, starting with Port-Réal. His advisers, Tyrion and Varys, are repeatedly worried about his "state of mind". "I beg you. Do not become what you have always fought, "he implores the second.

Several clues to this radical change of personality had already been distilled over the last few seasons, for example when she ordered the death of Samwell Tarly's brother and father. But this time the fear that the one who wanted to be the savior of Westeros becomes the worst tyrant in its history materializes. Whether it's through her hate-filled look after Missandei's death or when she begs Jon Snow never to tell anyone who he really is.

"Danaerys has suffered many traumas in a short time: the loss of most of his military forces (acquired through suffering), two of his dragons invested as children, the execution of his only true friend Missandei, the treason of the North, the revelation of the impossibility of the link with Jon … ", lists Samuel Dock, clinical psychologist and big fan of the series, contacted by The HuffPost. "All this may lead her to decompensate if she does not find resources quickly to cope with her distress, other than psychosis and acting out," he worries.

Latent morbid structure

But can one suddenly, to use a familiar expression, "break up"? "Some traumatic events can lead to drive infraction, cognitive stupidity and collapsing states that can become chronic," says the psychologist for whom the answer is positive. But because there is always a but, "it is more often a morbid structure that is 'revealed' than it is created. GoT shows this well when Varys insists on the fragility of Danaerys before the return to Port-Réal: his difficulty to endure that one contests it, his mood … One sees a person who mobilizes expensive psychic resources to hold ", considers -t it.

However, it can be Timeif a latent sexism does not hide behind this change of personality. Whether Daenerys or Cersei, both are portrayed as power-hungry women. Samuel Dock sees besides "a sad influence of the patriarchate", considering that the series of HBO does not escape it. "It is common to make the woman of ambition a witch or a dangerous madwoman, in life as in works of fiction," he adds.

Narcissistic personality

But this is probably only a minimal explanation to the "Mad Queen" theory. Although it is difficult to establish a "diagnosis" of Daenerys, his behavior evokes to Samuel Dock a "narcissistic personality": "for her, it is all or nothing, enjoy or die, it does not take into account the otherness and focuses solely on his desire. However, she has a sharp sensibility against which she is constantly defending herself. She has little remorse, little guilt. We often talk about 'burning' in these people, it suits him well! "

He adds that from the beginning Daenerys has been fighting for his place on the throne. In doing so, she does not realize "that in reality she wants to find a family history that is lacking, a place in filiation. She does not think, does not elaborate around the acts of her father. "This is for him one of the lessons of psychoanalysis at the same time as the potential destiny of the Mother of the Dragons:" it is because she does not realize how close she is to her father that she is replaying her destiny. "

This article was originally published by Le HuffPost France.

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