"Auchan delivers a real service to consumers"


"This is a case that belongs to the Auchan company. But, I think it's a subject where everyone can express themselves freely. Auchan makes a real service to consumers. And, also, if I understand correctly, a lot of local products are sold in its stores. This also contributes to the development of production, here in Senegal. "It is Christophe Bigot, the French ambassador to Senegal, who thus expresses his position in the face of the controversy born of the installation of the French commercial enterprise which continues its almost effective mesh of the big districts of Dakar and certain inner cities, with the recriminations and complaints of organizations of Senegalese traders (Unacois).

The French diplomat made this exit yesterday, Friday, July 6, when receiving materials for the Reception and Orientation Office of the Lat-Dior courthouse in Dakar. As a reminder, organizations of merchants such as Unacois / Jappo denounce the proliferation of Auchan supermarkets.

At a press conference on June 26, the Secretary General of Unacois / Jappo, Modou Diop deplored the number of stores of the French company present in Dakar. "Auchan stores, like crossroads, are in every corner of Senegal.

To date, we have counted more than thirty (30) supermarkets in Dakar alone, "he said. "This proliferation of the French company shows the desire to wipe out Senegalese traders, to alienate consumers and, ultimately, to question the economic autonomy of Senegal," warned Modou Diop who did not failed to accuse the government. He warned the authorities about the scale of the threat, pointing out that traders will no longer be able to pay taxes because of competition from Auchan.


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