Audi, Italdesign and Airbus present a miniature concept of their flying taxi


audi flying taxi

A miniature concept of flying taxi and autonomous was presented by Audi, Italdesign and Airbus on the occasion of the Drone Week, organized in Amsterdam from 26 to 30 November 2018.

Pop.Up Next: a name of concept far from unknown for those who follow with diligence the news of the transport of the future. Launched by a trio composed of Audi, Italdesign (Audi subsidiary) and Airbus, this project aims to reinvent urban mobility. Last June, the German authorities also signed a letter of intent with the above-mentioned alliance, allowing them to experiment with their flying taxis in the city of Ingolstadt.

Detachable cabins

The teams of the three companies took advantage of the Drone Week, held in Amstersdam from November 26 to 30, 2018, to exhibit a miniature concept of what could be the transport of tomorrow, as TechCrunch tells us.

In the idea, Pop.Up Next would therefore rest on a drone capable of "tearing" the cab of an electric taxi and autonomous it would drop at a specific location, according to the will of the passenger. All in total autonomy.

The teams' vision seems to have changed somewhat: earlier in the year, the project mentioned an autonomous taxi capable of transforming into a drone by deploying propellers provided for this purpose. The fact is that a program of this type is destined to undergo changes on a regular basis.

According to Audi, its deployment could intervene in the next decade Even though caution is needed with regard to these forecasts.

" Smartly distribute traffic between roads and airspace "

Bernd Martens, President of Italdesign, believes that " flying taxis are en route And continue: " More and more people will live in the city. And more and more people will be mobile thanks to automation (transport, ed). In the future, older people, children and those without a driving license will want to use practical taxis. If we can intelligently distribute traffic between roads and airspace, then citizens and cities can benefit ".

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