Austria: Renoir's painting stolen before sale – World


"Gulf, Sea, Green Cliffs", a work of Renoir, was stolen Monday at a large auction house in Vienna.

"Gulf, Sea, Green Cliffs", a work of Renoir, was stolen Monday at a large auction house in Vienna. Image: Twitter

A small painting by the French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir was stolen from a large auction house in central Vienna, local police said on Wednesday, looking for three suspects.

The artwork depicting a seaside landscape was to go under the hammer Wednesday but has disappeared since Monday afternoon, according to the same source. Its value is estimated between 120,000 and 160,000 euros.

Police released images taken by a surveillance camera showing three men entering the building of the Dorotheum auction house around 5:15 pm (4:15 pm GMT). After heading directly to the painting on the second floor, they left the premises separately.

"They were probably professionals," said Patrick Maierhofer, spokesman for the Viennese police. Measuring 40 x 27 centimeters, this painting entitled "Gulf, Sea, Green Cliffs" dates from 1895. (Afp / nxp)

Created: 28.11.2018, 20:35

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