Aziz Ndiaye dipped in oil but …


The former wrestling promoter converted into a businessman, Aziz Ndiaye, has had trouble with the Senegalese courts. For good reason, he was charged with deception on two of his products, namely J'adore and Elita. It comes, all the same, to be exonerated by the Senegalese and Turkish laboratories in charge of diagnosing the good quality of these products.

«Elita oil is not unfit for consumption and can indeed be consumed without danger, "defended Aziz Ndiaye, it has just been confirmed by the results of analyzes said laboratories. Indeed, these reveal that this oil is of good quality and is even consumed throughout the Turkish territory.

In this regard, the request of Aziz Ndiaye for a transaction to empty the dispute will, in the coming days , delivered to the Department of Domestic Trade (DIC).


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