Baaba Maal awarded by the Foundation "Music in Africa"


Dakar, Nov 29 (APS) – Senegalese musician Baaba Maal received Thursday the hands of "Music in Africa" ​​Foundation President Aisha Deme, the "Music in Africa Honorary Award 2017", in recognition of her contribution to the music industry in Senegal and the African continent.

He was awarded this prize "on November 14 in Nairobi, Kenya, in recognition of what he has brought to his country and to Africa," said Ms. Dème, at the presentation ceremony at the Goethe Dakar, in the presence of many actors of Senegalese music.

There were also musicians from the "Dandé Lenol", a group of Baaba Maal, as well as some of his friends.

Awarded for the first time, this award "celebrates Baaba Maal's brilliant musical career over the last three decades," added the president of the "Music in Arica" ​​Foundation, a pan-African non-profit organization.

"Beyond her enormous contribution to the African music industry, Baaba Maal is an artist who has always been able to bring out the best in our culture, which is very important," she said. highlighted.

The social and musical commitment of the laureate was also welcomed at this ceremony.

The singer and musician Baaba Maal, dedicating this prize to all Senegalese music, considers that this reward constitutes "a happiness for all the artists of Senegal and the continent".

"It is true that I received many awards in my career, but it is with great emotion that I receive this one," said the vocal lead of "Dandé Lenol".

He salutes the "open-mindedness" that characterizes music in Senegal before inviting young African artists and musicians to accompany their society and defend their culture.

Kenyan musician Eric Wainaina, who featured with Baaba Maal, also received an "honor award" from "Music in Africa" ​​in Nairobi.

This prize, initiated for the first time, will now be awarded each year to a musician from a different African country.

In this way, he intends to reward the "outstanding work done by artists for the music industry in their country and, more generally, the continent", according to its promoters.

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