Bac: 124 candidates excluded in Thiès •


The general baccalaureate that started yesterday has its first victims. 124 candidates from Amary Ndack Seck High School in Thiès have been deported for alleged fraud. According to The Daily who gives the information, they are accused of wearing and using mobile phone. One of the suspects confided: "We were adjourned direct because we had our phones, but they were off. We were warned, it is true, but it was necessary to sanction everyone because three of us continued the tests without being worried. We do not know in what condition they have benefited from this privilege, but we say that it is a great injustice. "The procedure will continue with the Office du Bac which has reported on the candidates concerned by this measure. Then, the newspaper indicates that the Disciplinary Council of the University of Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar will rule on their cases.

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