Bac 2018 – Ziguinchor: It smells like hecatomb


The results of the 2018 bin have fallen in many areas. At ziguinchor, the juries deliberated yesterday in all the centers of the department and the region. According to the reports, these results are "mediocre" and have elicited a lot of comments from jury presidents, parents and unions

The main juries of Ziguinchor for the first baccaulauréat session delivered their results. The situation is worrying in the South of the country. According to Honoré manga, a member of the Saemss national office, which states that "in the secondary centers, which have proclaimed first, the percentages vary around 15 to 25%, and the mention is almost non-existent. The damage is more serious in Oussouye, where the results are bad. To the jury of Mlompe Oussouye for example, 279 candidates have composed, seven have graduated in the first round and 36 will have to take their trouble patiently. In Ossouye high school Aline Sitoé Diatta, 42 have composed in S2, four have passed automatically and 13 have passed in the second round.

To read also: Hécatombe at the Lycée d'Enseignement Général of Diourbel

Given these results chaotic, responsibilities are divided between the repetitive stresses of teachers, the low level of pupils among others.

Oumar Diallo / Senegal7

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