Back in Time: The day John Lennon went on stage for the last time


There are important days in the history of rock and Pixbear you make them (re) discover. On November 28, 1974, John Lennon was on stage for the last time. It happened at Madison Square Garden in New York (New York) at a concert ofElton John. Back on the front, the pendant and the after this ultimate benefit.

Bet lost

In 1974, Elton John had participated in the recording of the album of John Lennon Walls and Bridges. He appeared on piano and singing on songs Surprise Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox) and Whatever Gets You Thru the Night. Elton John had then bet with John Lennon that he would finally win a single number 1 in the United States with Whatever Gets You Thru the Night, In exchange of what John Lennon committed to perform with him at Madison Square Garden in New York (New York).

Certain to lose, John Lennon had accepted this bet. In November 1974, Whatever Gets You Thru the Night wins the first place of the American Billboard. John Lennon then has no choice but to accept his "defeat" and honor his bet.


Last performance

On November 28, 1974, John Lennon So goes on the stage of Madison Square Garden. "When I walked on the stage, there was a lot of screaming and screaming. It was like Beatlemania. I thought 'What's going on?' Because I had not heard that since the Beatles " he said later.

John Lennon, accompanied by a black Telecaster, begins his performance with the classic of Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. He connects with another Fab Four classic I Saw Her Standing There, introduced as follows: "I thought we could make a song from one of my ex-fiancées named Paul. It's a song I've never sung ". Finally, the duet takes over Whatever Gets You Thru The Night. Elton John would have liked that John Lennon also plays Conceived but he had refused. After this benefit, John Lennon said with his legendary humor: "It was fun, but I would not do that to make a living".

Homecoming with Yoko Ono

Apart from the fact that this service was the last of John Lennon, the legend tells that, behind the scenes, the ex-Beatles found Yoko Ono with whom he was separated since 1973 and recording his album Mind Games. "She was behind the scenes and there was that moment when we saw each other and it looks like it's like in movies, you know, when time stops. " did he declare. "There was a silence. Everything was silent and we were just looking at each other. ". The singer then rubbed shoulders with his assistant May Pang but he will finally back up with Yoko Ono in 1975 after 18 months of separation.

John Lennon will then decide to devote himself fully to his family life with the arrival of his son Sean October 9, 1975. He will make his discographic return with the album Double Fantasy on November 17, 1980, a few weeks before being murdered at the foot of the Dakota Building in New York. But that's another story…


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Posted 28/11/2018

John Elton John Lennon Yoko Ono

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