before the release of the demo, our first impressions


Looking forward to playing the PES 2019 demo, scheduled for August 8th? In a hurry to know in part what the new game of football Konami has in the stomach? Star Africa has got his hands on it. And you are told (almost) everything.

After the announcement of the demo and the news promised by the new MyClub mode, place the practical exam. What is worth PES 2019, whose release is expected August 30 on PS4, Xbox One and PC (Steam) and will be playable in demo from 8? In any case, he is following in the footsteps of his predecessor, who was particularly well received by the trade press and the public last year, namely a slow, slow-paced game based more on the construction of actions than on the joke. technique, even if there will be a way to indulge in the ball, especially for lovers of "joga bonito".

We felt a heavier game, too, as much in ball physics, always as realistic, whether in transmissions as in the strikes, only in the movement of the players, the inertia even more than in the 2018 edition. This is not necessarily destabilizing but rather pleasant to use: we really feel the weight of the players, their taking of support, their changes in e position and start when accelerating

The goalkeepers also bluffed us, with impressive reflex stops, especially in situations or angles usually triumphant for the attackers. In short, it will not uncommon to stumble on the goalkeeper during a face-to-face despite all its application, which will give a suspense to the completion of some actions. The duels seemed more realistic, more engaged, with a more consistent rendering on the screen. It is not immune to parasitic and unpleasant collisions, generating in the wake of favorable unfortunate counters but they were very, very rare in our games. What really marked us is the quality of control of players, more diverse, more decomposed too and the panel of options that this data, once well mastered, will offer players.

We can salute at this level the work done to personalize gestures , more human – even if some dribbling or animations still suffer from robotic rendering – and more, too. This humanism in the gesture is also felt on the faces of the players, again screaming of life and truth compared to real models. Finally, if it will take more matches and the game in its entirety, certainly, to judge the atmosphere, we were able to focus on the new game introduction cutscenes, with tunnel exits and impressive lawn entries , not to mention a perfect modeling of the stadiums, including the last licensed, the Veltins Arena Schalke 04. Highly August 8 to experience all these sensations, who knows with you at the turn of an online game? [19659012]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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