Belgian imprisoned in Senegal free in five days


Miscellaneous facts

The court sentenced her to 45 days in prison, 30 of which were suspended.

The Belgian lawyer, who had been incarcerated for ten days in Senegal after a fatal traffic accident, was contacted yesterday. According to Mr. Boubine Toure who was able to meet his client yesterday morning, the wife (divorce) of businessman Jean-Claude Logé was sentenced but is doing well.

Me Toure brings rather reassuring news about the 50-year-old Belgian, from Gosselies. At his request, the director of the Ziguinchor prison acceded to him to reserve detention conditions as humane as possible.

"My client complains says Me Toure Of course it's not like home, there's no pool, no staff. normal that she complains, she is not used to it. "

According to Mr. Toure still, the court decided that there was " manslaughter by default of control of the vehicle " the Nissan Pajero she was driving. But the Senegalese court also considered that the cyclist who was overthrown was imprudent? For, says Mr. Boubine Toure, "the young man was riding a bicycle zigzagging" .

Counsel adds that the Belgian behaved after the accident as he "was humanly necessary ". "She took care of the injured person and called everyone in. She asked for help so that the fire brigade would transport the victim to the hospital."

And as we wrote yesterday already, Me Toure confirms that "even the family of the young man of 18 did not complain or claim anything."

"In the prison, there is no single cell, from the very first day food is brought in. She brings her in from outside. She tells me that she is in a cell with two others, I have just met her, she tells me that her state of health,
   'okay okay'."

The Ziguinchor court sentenced her to 45 days' imprisonment, 30 of which were suspended. That is, summarizes Me Toure, 15 days in prison. "Next Tuesday, she will be released, she will count the days, and she has five left."

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